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  • +267 310 1952
  • +26771455252

Corporate & Commercial Law

The realm of commercial law encompasses many other areas of law, from banking and finance to dispute resolution, and even...

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Property Law

Property law refers to the body of rules and regulations that govern the ownership, use, and transfer of real and...

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Employment Law

In the field of employment law, it is best to prevent labour disputes through strict compliance with labour laws. While...

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Corporate Insolvency Law

Corporate insolvency law pertains to the legal framework governing the financial distress and potential bankruptcy of companies or corporations. Corporate...

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Emigration & Immigration Law

Emigration is the process of leaving one's native country to establish permanent residence elsewhere. While embarking on this journey can...

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Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR)

ADR processes are generally faster, more cost-effective, and often less adversarial than formal court proceedings. We at Precious and Partners...

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Conveyancing and Public Notarial Services

A conveyancer is an attorney who has passed a specialist conveyancing exam and who is admitted and enrolled to practice...

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